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Under the leadership of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, different interdisciplinary and international research groups (IRGs) have been formed over time, bringing together teachers, researchers and experts, pooling their knowledge in a convivial setting that they have defined according to their own methods and organization. Discussion around a common theme, organization of specific symposium, research projects and activities, teachers’ exchanges, publications, consultancy are some of the ways in which IRGs work. ACISE is the IRG that focuses on education.
Photo: The 2018 ACISE Conference was held at the University of Glasgow.

ACISE, the Association of Catholic Institutes of Education, is affiliated with the International Federation of Catholic Universities. Its members are Catholic institutions which offer university diploma’s in educational sciences. Each participating university is represented in ACISE by one person, in general the head of the faculty of educational sciences. ACISE aims to stimulate exchange, cooperation, and research in education between the members. Founded in 1989, it gathers its members for three days every year in order to think about themes of common interest concerning education in a broad sense. This is done though an international conference. ACISE also publishes Educa, an online journal.
Key Links:
ACISE website
ACISE 2021 Conference, Porto, April 8-10, 2021
Educa journal
ACISE statutes
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