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Calls for Papers
Part of our mission is to help researchers and practitioners working in the field of Catholic education share their work with a broader audience through publications. This is why we publish a Knowledge Notes series (see Other publications). We also coordinate from time to time edited volumes and special issues or symposia for journals. Calls for papers to that effect are provided on this page.
As much as possible, we try to have our publications in open access. This is why we often work with open access journals for our special issues. Research is essential for Catholic schools and universities to fulfill their mission, but it must be accessible! Open access matters especially in low income countries where enrollment in Catholic schools and universities is growing.
We will progressively add more resources as we develop this website. If you have suggestions on resources to add, please contact us.

You will find on this page open calls for papers for special journal issues from our team and other series that accept submissions. We will progressively add other resources. To access our previously published work, see our Global Reports and Other Publications.
Book Series
We serve on the editorial board of book series. See the relevant publisher webpages that provide information on how to submit manuscripts.
Springer: Book Series on Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
Calls for Papers
Calls for papers for special issues of journals managed by our team:
Christian Journal for Global Health (English): (1) School health & violence in schools and (2) Faith-based Healthcare in Africa
Educatio (multiple languages): The Learning Crisis: Problems and Solutions.
Review of Faith & International Affairs (English): Education & Integral Human Development
Other calls for papers managed by our team:
Knowledge Notes (English, French, and Spanish): No deadline, submissions welcome all year - Instructions.
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