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Catholic colleges and universities have a lot to offer to K12 Catholic schools. Conversely, K12 Catholic schools mater for Catholic colleges and universities in part because they represent a key pool from which to attract students. This page provides information on collaborations between Catholic universities and K12 schools, starting with CHESCS (Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools) in the United States. CHESCS brings together the resources and influence of Catholic universities to strengthen K12 Catholic schools through research, teaching and leadership programs, professional development, and advocacy.

In the United States, CHESCS (Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools) is a collaborative effort to engage Catholic universities in support to K12 Catholic schools. CHESCS promotes collaboration between universities (through their professional education departments, schools, divisions, and research centers) and the National Catholic Education Association in support of K12 schools. This page provides the list of the universities that are members of CHESCS, as well as links to key units in those universities that support K12 Catholic education. More resources will be added in the future.
Universities Member of CHESCS and Key Links
Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI): Main Website; Master in Education (M.Ed.); Master in the Art of Teaching (M,A,T,)
Aquinas College (Nashville, TN): Main Website; Center for Catholic Education; Center for Evangelization and Catechesis
Boston College: School of Theology and Ministry; Lynch School of Education and Human Development; Roche Center for Catholic Education
Creighton University: Graduate Certificate in Catholic School Leadership; M,S, in Educational Leadership; Magis Catholic Teacher Corps
DePaul University: College of Education; Principal License - Catholic Concentration Requirements (M.Ed. only); Catholic Leadership Concentration Requirements (M,A, or M,Ed,)
Fordham University: Center for Catholic School Leadership and Faith-based Education
Franciscan University of Steubenville: Main Website; The Master of Catholic Leadership Program; Discover Franciscan University
Lewis University: Institute for the Advancement of Catholic & Lasallian Education
Loyola Marymount University: School of Education; Center for Catholic Education; Research & Outreach
Loyola University Chicago: Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education; Professional Development Offerings: Publications by the Greeley Team
Marian University: Klipsch Educators College; Catholic School Educator Preparation Program; Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Marymount University: Main Website; Administration & Supervision (M.Ed.); Education (M. Ed.)
Mount St. Mary's University: Main Website; The Center for Catholic School Excellence; Division of Education
Notre Dame of Maryland University: Main Website; School of Education; ACES: Academy of Catholic Educators
St. John's University: The School of Education; Institute for Catholic Schools; Vincentian Center for Church and Society
​Saint Louis University: Institute for Catholic Education; Education Degrees at SLU; Billiken Teacher Corps
Seton Hall University: College of Education and Human Services; Catholic School Leadership (M.A./Ed.S.); Center for Catholic Studies
University of Dallas: Main Website; Department of Education; Master of Catholic School Leadership
University of Dayton: Center for Catholic Education; Teacher Education; Educational Administration
University of Notre Dame: Alliance for Catholic Education; Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program; McGrath Institute for Church Life - Resources for Educators
University of St. Thomas: Institute for Catholic School Leadership; Murray Institute for Catholic Education
University of San Francisco: McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education; Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Catholic Educational Leadership; Catholic Educational Leadership Master's Program
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