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CREDO (Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization) is an international society of hundreds of research economists interested in the conversation between the Catholic faith and economic research as it applies to the economy, the Church, and broader society. Many of these economists have an interest in issues related to education as well as integral human development more generally. This page provides basic information about CREDO .

CREDO has five main goals: (1) fostering a community of Catholic economics scholars; (2) disseminating economic knowledge including in the public discourse of the Church; (3) promoting reflection on Catholic social thought; (4) mentoring young economists; (5) providing expertise to Church leaders and organizations engaged in social and economic issues. Activities include (i) conferences with the Lumen Christi Institute; (ii) sessions at the ASSA annual meetings and a Mass with the local bishop followed by a breakfast; (iii) a newsletter; (iv) an Advisory Panel of economists available to Church leaders and institutions needing advice on economic policy matters; and (v) the promotion of service among CREDO members, including on Catholic education.
We are currently exploring collaborations between CREDO and the global Catholic education community. If you would like to be involved as we explore such collaborations, please contact us.
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