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Educatio Si Bulletin
To serve the community of Catholic educators globally and facilitate the sharing of experiences, we published the Educatio Si Bulletin on a quarterly basis with the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) for three and a half years. The Bulletin was launched right after the OIEC World Congress held in New York in June 2019 on the theme 'Educatio Si', hence the choice of the name of the Bulletin. After the OIEC Congress of December 2022 in Marseille, France, a new OIEC newsletter was created, making it less necessary to pursue the publication of the Bulletin. The 14 issues of the Bulletin that have been published remain available below.

Educatio Si Bulletin
ESB 14: Global Catholic Education Reports and Engaging Alumni
ESB 13: Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue
ESB 12: World Catholic Education Day
ESB 11: Catholic Education and Integral Human Development
ESB 10: Updates on the Global Compact on Education and OIEC
ESB 9: Leadership Perspectives on Catholic Education
ESB 8: Global Report 2021 and Committing OIEC to the Global Compact
ESB 7: Global Catholic Education Website and Interview Series
ESB 6: Highlights of the Global Compact on Education Event
ESB 5: Catholic Schools in the French Speaking World
ESB 4: Global Catholic Education Report and COVID-19 Crisis
ESB 3: Catholic Schools in the Spanish Speaking World
ESB 2: Education and Sustainable Development
ESB 1: Highlights and Reflections on OIEC’s World Congress
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