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Global Compact
on Education
The Global Compact on Education is an initiative launched by Pope Francis to foster a renewed commitment to the education of children and youth not only in the classroom, but also in the family and the community. This page provides resources related to the Global Compact, including two issues of the Educatio Si Bulletin devoted to the Compact. The page also provides a link to the video message of Pope Francis for a meeting organized on October 15, 2020 by the Congregation for Catholic Education at the Pontifical Lateran University. If you have ideas for additional resources to be provided on this page, please contact us.

To listen to a short video message of Pope Francis on the Occasion of the Meeting Organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education on October 15, 2020 for the Global Compact, click on the image below. The complete text of the Pope's remarks and the Instrumento Laboris for the Global Compact are available in the Fall 2020 issue of the Educatio Si Bulletin.
Below are a few resources related to the Global Compact.
A collection of 25 interviews for World Catholic Education Day 2021 within the context of the Global Compact (World Catholic Education Day 2021: Celebrating Educators and Working Together for the Global Compact on Education.)
The Spring 2021 issue of the Educatio Si Bulletin on commitments made by OIEC (International Office of Catholic Education) and other partners.
An edited book (Luces para el camino) with a range of testimonies related to the Global Compact and the work taking place in Catholic schools globally.
Click on images below to download these resources.
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