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Lists of Journals
To help researchers and practitioners publish their work, and more generally to point them in the direction of useful material they may want to read, we provide two resources on this website. First, we regularly post new calls for papers on specific topics. Second, we provide here lists of journals that may be considered for publications, or simply to keep aware of the literature.
Academic journals listed on this page are classified by category, starting with journals focusing on Catholic or Christian education, and those focusing on religious education more generally. We also include selected journals with a broader mandate by field. Many of these broader journals occasionally publish articles on Catholic education, and more importantly, the articles they publish touch on issues that matter in Catholic as well as other types of schools.
Finally, we include links to a few tools that can help researchers identify journals where they may want to submit papers. We will progressively add more resources as we develop this website. If you have suggestions on resources to add, please contact us.

You will find on this page (1) a few basic resources to help you find journals in your field and assess their level of "impact"; (2) a list of journals focusing on Catholic or Christian education; (3) a list of journals focusing more broadly on religious education; and (4) links to lists of journals that relate to education. The fact that a journal may be listed on this page does not represent in any way an endorsement of that journal. On purpose, some less well known journals are included as they may provide a good publication channel for some types of research, including by practitioners.
Resources to Find Journals and Assess Their Impact
For academics, where to publish is often as important as what to publish. The reputation of journals matters and it is often assessed through impact factors or other measures of influence based on citations. For practitioners, while impact factors may matter, whether publications reach their intended audiences and help make a difference "on the ground" may matter even more. Both approaches have their own logic and should be respected as different journals serve different purposes. In particular, some journals with relatively low impact factors (or even possibly no impact factor if they have not been included in key databases) may still provide a vital service to the profession, or a segment thereof.
To find an appropriate journal to submit a paper to, the best approach is often to talk to peers or mentors, and look at what types of papers journals have published. Still, finding quick information on impact factors is useful not only to conduct a rapid assessment of the (academic) level of journals, but also to assess the likelihood of being accepted when submitting an article. Indeed, journals with higher impact factors tend to be more selective and thus have higher rejection rates. Below are a few resources that can help conduct a quick assessment of the level of journals and implicitly their selectivity:
The most influential lists of journals based on impact factors are probably the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). University researchers often have access to data from the JCR through their institution. But even if you do not have such access, what is freely available is the list of journals included (see the 2019 list as an example). JCR is selective, hence just being included implies that a journal has a certain quality.
Scimago provides journal rankings by field with one of the fields being "education". Other fields include economics, e-learning, religious studies, etc. The main page also has a simple search tool whereby you can search for journals using keywords - all indexed journals with that keyword will be listed and ranked by impact factors.
Google Scholar also provides rankings of journals based on impact factors with the top 20 journals listed by subfield. Within social sciences, lists are available among others for early childhood education, education, educational administration, educational psychology and counseling, education technology, higher education, special education, and teaching and teacher education. In addition, within humanities, literature, and arts, lists are available for philosophy and religion. These lists can also be helpful. For example, in January 2021, based on its impact factor over the last five years, the Journal of Catholic Education was included in Google Scholar's list of the top 20 journals in religion, but not in the lists for the various education subfields. ​ Finally, Google Scholar also lists the top 100 journals in 10 other languages than English.
Harzing's Journal Quality List is another useful tool that provides basic information on a wide range of journals by field, although the list is geared towards management and economics, so that education is therefore not a specific field of focus.
For economists, RePEC (Research Papers in Economics) is a great resource not only to find "working papers", but also to assess the impact of various economics journals through rankings. Journals dealing with the economics of education are included.
Journal rankings are helpful, but only up to a point. Some widely (or even less widely) read journals among practitioners may not be well ranked academically, but they may perform an essential function. Journals in other languages than English also tend to be less cited, but again may perform a key role. Even when focusing on academic journals and relying on impact factors, it is often useful to rely on multiple lists for selection and complement the information provided by those lists with advise from mentors or peers.
Journals Focusing on Catholic or Christian Education
Below is a list of academic journals focusing on Catholic or Christian education. The fact that a journal is included does not represent an endorsement by this website. Some of these journals have impact factors and are listed in some of the databases mentioned above. Other journals are not similarly listed, but may again still provide a great service to their readers as well as an opportunity to publish and reach a targeted audience. If you think we should feature additional journals in the list below, please contact us.
Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry
The purpose of the journal is to strengthen the conception and practice of Christian education in church and parachurch settings through: Encouraging reflection on the foundations of Christian education and implications for ministry practice; Exploring the integration and application of social science theory and research to educational ministry concerns; Fostering improved teaching in the field of Christian education at colleges and seminaries, equipping people for leadership in this field; Promoting the assessment of our changing cultural context and of contemporary educational ministry needs, models, and trends; Providing reviews of new books in the field of Christian education and other related disciplines that impact educational ministry.
Educa - International Catholic Journal of Education (Open Access)
EducA publishes original papers in the education sciences field. Each number of EducA has a main theme and a small number of free theme papers. EducA is open to the publication of empirical research papers, methodological papers, literature reviews and systematizations, fundamental theoretical papers and evaluations of relevant projects, innovations and experiences.
Educatio – Revue scientifique de l’éducation chrétienne (Open Access)
La revue vise à approfondir l’étude et la connaissance du patrimoine de l’éducation chrétienne, mettre en relief l’actualité et la pertinence de celle-ci et à ouvrir des perspectives créatives sur son avenir. La revue se veut sensible aux attentes des acteurs de l’éducation (chefs d’établissement et enseignants personnels d’éducation et d’administration dans une société en mutation qui fragilise et renouvelle leurs problématiques. En positionnant plus clairement l’action et les perspectives des chrétiens en éducation, elle se veut un instrument de dialogue avec les sociétés contemporaines.
Educatio Catholica
Educatio Catholica is the journal of the Congregation for Catholic Education. In the pedagogical journey, from kindergarten to academic studies, prominence is given not only to the legal, economic and social aspects but also to the more purely pastoral ones. Through the publication of contributions by authoritative authors, the most current aspects of the papal Magisterium and related documents will be presented.
eJournal of Catholic Education in Australasia (Open Access)
The eJournal of Catholic Education in Australasia is a double peer reviewed international and national journal. The eJournal uploads articles pertaining to issues relating to Catholic schools within the Australasian region. Issues for discussion include, but are not limited to: School leadership and management; student ministry and leadership; service learning; curriculum; professional learning; school evangelisation; and, Catholic identity.
International Journal of Christianity & Education
The International Journal of Christianity and Education aims to be the first point of reference for academic discussions of the relationship between Christianity and educational theory and practice in formal and informal settings. It will publish high quality articles across a wide range of educational contexts, including but not limited to primary, secondary, and tertiary educational institutions.
International Studies in Catholic Education
International Studies in Catholic Education welcomes articles from Theologian, Philosophers, Historians, Social and Natural Scientists, Educational Scholars and researchers as well as school leaders, administrators and teachers and members of Religious Congregations with missions in education. The journal is also interested to receive articles from those involved with other forms of faith schooling (Anglican, Jewish or Muslim) and from those who are critical of existing forms of faith schooling.
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (Open Access)
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (JHE) is a scholarly, peer reviewed, open access, online journal focused on the development, advancement, and critique of higher education in the Jesuit tradition. JHE welcomes submissions on the scholarship and practice of Ignatian pedagogy in any academic disciplinary or interdisciplinary context as well as how the Jesuit mission is infused in all aspects of higher education, including student life, experiential learning, and other cocurricular activities.
Journal of Catholic Education (Open Access)
The Journal of Catholic Education (formerly Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice), currently hosted by Loyola Marymount University, is an open access journal representing Catholic colleges and universities, Catholic education leaders, and scholars from a variety of disciplines who are collectively committed to contributing research and encouraging best practice in Catholic elementary, secondary, and higher education by advancing the field of Catholic educational research.
Journal of Catholic Higher Education
The Journal of Catholic Higher Education seeks original compositions that exhibit high scholarly quality. Articles should contain a thesis, argument, case study, historical account, theoretical application, philosophical contribution, or other form of expert analysis. Published manuscripts represent a wide range of topic areas, such as: the role of Catholic higher education in academia, the Church, and society; Catholic identity; higher education policy; and social justice. No worthwhile topic related to Catholic higher education is beyond the scope of the Journal.
Journal of Research on Christian Education
JRCE provides a vehicle for the scholarly interchange of research findings relative to every level of Christian education. Particular emphasis is given to Christian schooling within the Protestant tradition as well as to research findings from other traditions which have implications for such schools. The purposes of the JRCE are (1) to stimulate inquiry among scholars of Christian education on topics of common interest, (2) to serve as a clearinghouse for the organization and diffusion of emerging research on the Christian school, (3) to communicate research findings that inform Christian educators as well as the wider society, and (4) to provide a venue for promoting inter-faith understandings and collaboration within the community of scholars in faith-based education.
Paedagogia Christiana (Open Access)
Paedagogia Christiana promotes philosophical and theological reflection on and the results of empirical research relating to Christian education and its role in supporting individual and social development. The journal publishes the results of research on experiences of the Christian upbringing, both in terms of the historical aspects and of the contemporary practice of churches, schools and religious movements and associations. Articles may be accepted which do not directly deal with the issue of Christian education, but instead talk about its humanistic and personalistic foundations.
Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione
The Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione (Journal of Educational Sciences) is published by the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences «Auxilium». Its purpose it two-fold: presenting the Faculty’s scientific research, and acting as a serious academic medium. The Journal aims to take part in cultural dialogue concerning the subjects covered by the Faculty, with particular focus on the issues relating to the education of women. It is aimed at scholars and students of educational sciences, teachers, formators, educational staff and youth ministers.
Other Journals Focusing on Religious Education
British Journal of Religious Education
The British Journal of Religious Education is an international peer-reviewed academic journal with roots reaching back to 1934. It is the leading journal in Britain for the dissemination of international research in religion and education, and for the scholarly discussion of issues concerning religion and education internationally.
Journal of Religious Education
This journal pursues the academic exploration of religious education in modern society. The journal helps disseminate original writings and research in religious education and catechesis – particularly as it relates to the faith formation of children and young people. The contents include a variety of feature sections on contemporary educational issues, book reviews, conferences, resources and practical hints for teachers. Published in association with La Salle Academy, a unit within the Australian Catholic University.
Religion & Education
Religion & Education is a journal of analysis and comment with the purpose of advancing public understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education. These issues emerge in various venues; manuscripts are invited from work in any such arena: public or private education at elementary, secondary, or higher education institutions; non-school or community organizations and settings; and formal or informal organizations or groups with religion or spirituality as an integral part of their work. Articles are invited from diverse methodological approaches and theoretical and ideological perspectives.
Religious Education
Religious Education, the journal of the Religious Education Association, offers a forum for exploring religious identity, formation, and education in faith communities, academic disciplines and institutions, and public life and the global community. Articles consider education in houses of worship, schools, informal programs, and institutions of higher learning involving adults, youth, children, and families. Topics addressed include educational theory, theology, and education; tradition and trends; policy and practice; models and methods; moral values and character education; sacred texts; and spiritual, cultural and social issues in education.
Other Journals Focusing on Education
As mentioned above, Google Scholar provides lists of journals in English with comparatively high impact factors by field and subfield, in particular for the following:
Early childhood education
Educational administration
Educational psychology and counseling
Education technology
Higher education
Special education
Teaching and teacher education
Lists are also available from Google Scholar for journals (all fields combined) in other languages, including journals in French and Spanish. The list for Spanish journals in particular includes many journals devoted to education.
If you have suggestions for other resources to provide on this page, please contact us.
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