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The word Magisterium refers to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church through the Pope and other bishops. This page provides links to a few documents of the Church that pertain to education specifically, or have implication for education, and thus for the mission of Catholic schools and universities.
The focus is on recent encyclicals and foundational documents such as the Second Vatican Council's declaration on education. Selected other documents from the Congregation of Catholic Education are also listed, as is the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. All documents are available in multiple languages.

This page provides links to a few Church documents including: (1) Encyclicals and messages from Pope Francis; (2) Gravissimum Educationis, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, and selected documents from the Congregation for Catholic Education; and (3) the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Encyclicals and Messages from Pope Francis
Pope Francis has published three encyclicals, all of which touch in one way or another on the importance of education:
On multiple occasions, Pope Francis has shared his thoughts about the importance of education and the role to be played by Catholic schools and universities, as well as more generally parents and communities. Below are two such video messages:
Message for the Global Compact On Education (October 15, 2020)
Message to participants to OIEC's World Congress (June 8, 2019)
A complete list of papal documents (including from previous popes) is available here.
Documents on Catholic Education
A compendium of Church documents on Catholic Education was put together as an annex to a report by the Caritas in Veritate Foundation. The report was published in October 2019, hence only resources before that date are included.
The Declaration on Christian Education Gravissimum Educationis was proclaimed by Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1965, during the Second Vatican Council.
For universities, the apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae issued by Pope John Paul II on 15 August 1990 describes the identity and mission of Catholic colleges and universities.
Below is a selection of documents from the Congregation on Catholic Education:
Other documents from the Congregation are available here.
Catholic Social Thought
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Other documents from the Pontifical Council are available here.
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