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Other Publications
Our global reports are available here, and our interview series is here. This page provides links to our other publications since the website was created in 2020. Publications are organized into six categories: (1) book series that we helped create; (2) special issues, symposia, or multi-part articles for academic journals or edited volumes; (3) the Educatio Si Bulletin published quarterly (from 2019 to 2022); (4) occasional studies and contributions; (5) compilations of interviews; (6) a Knowledge Notes series. Individual articles or book chapters by our team are not included, but if you would like to have a specific publication, please contact us. For information on our calls for papers related to Catholic education, please go here.

​Book Series
The Global Catholic Education team helped create new book series. See the relevant publisher webpages that provide information on how to submit manuscripts.
Springer: Book Series on Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
Catholic University of America Press: Education and Integral Human Development
Special Issues and Symposia for Journals
Apart from individual research articles (not included below), we publish special issues, symposia, or multi-part articles in academic journals as well as edited volumes. See our calls for papers and manuscripts currently open for opportunities to publish your work.
Journals listed alphabetically.
Christian Journal for Global Health (Open Access)
Faith-based Healthcare in Africa (planned)
School Health and Violence in Schools (planned)
Educatio – Revue scientifique de l’éducation chrétienne (Open Access)
Special issue on the learning crisis - Problems and solutions (planned)
Symposium on corruption in education and other services in Africa (Symposium)
Two-part article in French on Catholic schools globally (Part 1, Part 2)
International Journal of Education Law and Policy
Two-part article on Digital connectivity, Covid-19 and Catholic schools ​(Volume 17)
International Studies on Catholic Education
Special issue on Catholic and faith-based schools in Africa (Special Issue)​
Two-part article on serving the poor in Africa (Part 1, Part 2)
Journal of Catholic Education (Open Access)
Focus section on beyond excellence and faith formation (Symposium)​
Focus section on OIEC's 2019 World Congress (Symposium)
Two-part article on the COVID-19 crisis (Intro, Part 1, Part 2)
Journal of Global Catholicism (Open Access)
Two part article on girls' education and child marriage (Part 1, Part 2)
Special issue on lived experience in Catholic education (Special issue)
Religions (Open Access)
Two-part article on Catholic Higher Education (Part 1, Part 2)
Review of Faith & International Affairs
Special issue on education and integral human development (Special issue)
Two-part article on pluralism and the right to education (Part 1, Part 2)
Symposium on Catholic and faith-based schools (Symposium)
Educatio Si Bulletin
(Published from the summer of 2019 to the Fall of 2022).
ESB 14: Global Catholic Education Reports and Engaging Alumni
ESB 13: Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue
ESB 12: World Catholic Education Day
ESB 11: Catholic Education and Integral Human Development
ESB 10: Updates on the Global Compact on Education and OIEC​
ESB 9: Leadership Perspectives on Catholic Education
ESB 8: Global Report 2021 and Committing OIEC to the Global Compact
ESB 7: Global Catholic Education Website and Interview Series
ESB 6: Highlights of the Global Compact on Education Event
ESB 5: Catholic Schools in the French Speaking World
ESB 4: Global Catholic Education Report and COVID-19 Crisis
ESB 3: Catholic Schools in the Spanish Speaking World
ESB 2: Education and Sustainable Development
ESB 1: Highlights and Reflections on OIEC’s World Congress
Occasional Studies and Contributions
OS 22: Global Catholic Education Year in Review 2022
OS 21: Enrollment in Catholic Pre-primary to Secondary Schools: Country Profiles
OS 20: Men & Women for Others: How Jesuit Alumni Can Contribute to Social Justice
OS 19: GRACE brochure: A Research Collaborative & Community of Practice
OS 18: Celebrating World Catholic Education Day 2022 (also in French and Spanish)
OS 17: Potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Catholic schools and universities
OS 16: Faith-based schools, education pluralism, and the right to education
OS 15: How Does Francisco see Education?
OS 14: Global Catholic Education Year in Review 2021
OS 13: Directory of Catholic Colleges and Universities in the United States 2021
OS 12: Celebrating World Catholic Education Day 2021 (also in French and Spanish)
OS 11: Comments on the Progress Report of the Futures of Education Commission
OS 10: Capacity Building for the Right to Education: The Global Catholic Education Project
OS 9: Panorama de la religión en la escuela: Informe 2020
OS 8: Ciudadanía global: Un impulso para la transformación de la educación católica
OS 7: Christian Schools and the Futures of Education
OS 6: Luces para el camino: Pacto educativo global
OS 5: Commitments Taken by Catholic Schools at OIEC's Congress
OS 4: Escuelas con corazón - Schools with Heart
OS 3: The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Higher Education and Work: An Assessment
OS 2: Towards a More Inclusive Society - Vers une société plus inclusive
OS 1: Education as a driver to integral growth and peace
Compilations of Interviews
(Individual interviews are available here)
CI 7: World Catholic Education Day 2022 (1 article and 7 interviews)
CI 6: Science, Philosophy, and Theology in Dialogue (14 interviews)
CI 5: Research in Service of Catholic Education Practice (13 interviews)
CI 4: Values, Economics, and Catholic Social Thought - Volume 1 (15 interviews)
CI 3: Catholic Education in Africa and the Middle East (15 interviews)
CI 2: World Catholic Education Day 2021 (25 interviews)
CI 1: Ensuring a Bright Future for All Children (15 interviews)
Knowledge Notes
(Possibility for readers to submit notes in English, French, or Spanish - Please see our calls for papers on instructions for submissions).
KN 12: Catholic Teacher Education
KN 11: COVID-19 and Enrollment in Catholic Schools in the United States
KN 10: Global Estimates of the Market Share of Catholic Schools and Universities
KN 9: Trends in Higher Education
KN 8: How Many Students Do Christian Schools Serve Globally?
KN 7: Global and Regional Enrollment Trends in Catholic Higher Education: 1975-2018
KN 6: Global and Regional Enrollment Trends in K12 Catholic Schools: 1975-2018
KN 5: Le Pacte Educatif Mondial : Repenser l’école catholique
KN 4: Parental Priorities for What Children Should Learn in School (in the US)
KN 3: Willingness to Consider Catholic Schools and Favorability Ratings (in the US)
KN 2: Student Performance on Learning Assessments (in the US)
KN 1: Long-Term Trends in Enrollment in Catholic Schools (in the US)
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