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Vatican/Holy See
Technically, the Vatican is the city-state in Rome where the Roman Catholic Church has its headquarters. But it is also commonly used to refer more generally to the Holy See and its various departments. While education is under the responsibility of the Congregation for Catholic Education, several other departments within the Roman Curia have responsibilities that are relevant for the aims of Catholic education.
In case this may be useful to some readers, this page provides links to selected Holy See institutions, regional Conferences of Bishops, and the Unions of Superior Generals.

The Holy See refers to the government of the Roman Catholic Church which has permanent observer status with the United Nations. The Roman Curia consists of the departments that assist the Pope in managing the Church. This page provides link to selected Church institutions that matter for global Catholic education and integral development, including regional Bishop conferences and unions of Superior Generals.
Holy See and a few Permanent Missions​
Holy See
Permanent Observer Mission to the UN in New York
Permanent Observer Mission to the UN in Geneva
Permanent Observer Mission to UNESCO in Paris
Roman Curia - Selected Dicasteries/Institutions
Regional Associations and Councils of Bishops
Africa: Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa & Madagascar, S.E.C.A.M.
Asia: Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, FABC
Australia: Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Europe: Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union, COMECE; Council of European Bishops’ Conferences, CCEE
Latin America: Episcopal Council of Latin America, CELAM
Middle East: Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions
North America: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, CCCB; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB
Religious Orders
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